The Exit Level Outcomes contained in this qualification are based on competencies required for people dealing with integrated development planning in a municipal context:
The qualification serves to provide the opportunity for new and existing public sector employees to gain financial management competencies. In this light it serves to allow access to management positions for groupings previously excluded from such positions. Through providing financial management competencies South Africa’s democracy can be strengthened, through strengthening the ability of local government to deliver. Delivery of services, and most importantly of basic services will contribute to the social and economic development of the country. As individuals’ competencies improve, the quality as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of local government will improve. Managers with competencies in financial management will assure that all processes of budgeting, financial management, internal control, auditing and reporting meet the conditions of relevant legislation and in this way are accountable to the public.
The exit level learning outcomes highlight many of the public finance management and administration skills required within the public sector. Such skills and knowledge are geared towards enabling public officials in all spheres of government to operate effectively and successfully in a demanding environment. Therefore, exit level outcomes and related assessment criteria are outlined for the areas of competence, which mark out public financial management as key and highly influential in public sector service delivery.